Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Take On Wonder Boys

I think this movie would have hit the right spot, in my heart, irrespective of when I'd watched it. I don't particularly like cliched movies, but I don't get particularly affected by bad reviews either. And when I read that it was about the relationship of a boy and his idol, I knew I had to watch it.

It was with considerable annoyance, that Manish once complained to me, that the primary source of concern for our society was the drastic way in which we have radically changed the criteria for our idols. The learned, the wise, are passe. The savvy, the uber cool are in. And the scariest part of it all, is the fact that the parents, the ever vigilante, the supreme resistors of change in any society, have failed to even notice this slow but complete change in our minds, our attitudes.

So, I didn't find it very surprising, when one day, (and I must admit here that Wonder Boys did have more than a passing influence on my decision) I decided to try and stay with a teacher of mine, and didn't get very agreeable responses from some of the people who I care for, whose support, at times of distress, I rely on. However, it was amusing.

Amusing in a way that I could not even comprehend. While no one really had a strong reason as to why I shouldn't, everyone seemed to be certain, that it wasn't a good idea. When pressed, I got replies that bordered on absurdity. And though I found the whole deal to be vaguely reminiscent of unfound biases and prejudices that people usually harbour, and hence, not to be given much of a second thought to, I couldn't help feeling amused. Feeling very amused.


Madhu Gopalan said...

when you ask someone for their opinion, be prepared to hear it

RD said...

Touche! Honestly, this was not a repartee to your opinion. Just my observation on what kind of feedback I got. This includes my parents as well, as surprising as it may sound...