Monday, June 30, 2008

My Laughter Dose At 3 God Damn A.M. - Part II

I finally managed to finish Upmanyu Chatterjee's The Mammaries Of The Welfare State. The book's been lying around for a while now. Though I had set my heart on reading its prequel, English August, which I couldn't locate at Blossoms, had to settle for this. Though the time of the night when I read the following lines was not technically 3 A.M, it did feel that way. But once I read these lines, I was laughing helplessly! And so, I produce them, verbatim. If your sense of humour is not crude enough to appreciate it, my apologies.

Did he spit in the urinal while pissing?
Or sigh audibly, and invoke a God, while leaning forward, resting his head against the tiles, gazing down and playing a sort of billiards with the naphthalene balls in the bowl with his jet of urine as the cue?

The best part of this was, I have actually seen people do both of this! ;) Those of you who have read the very first post of this blog, might remember that it was about my observations, at the men's room. And I can vouch, that people actually do this stuff! ;)

1 comment:

Madhu Gopalan said...
