Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Back With A Bang

After months of inactivity, feel like am gonna burst out with a lot of this nervous energy inside of me. All of a sudden, things are moving with a lurch. Emotional Hangovers are clearing away, The Lappie Baby is here with Me, and well, that itch to "MOVE" around, is back!

Was thinking about where to start it all up, again. Its been long. The cobwebs are making it all a teeny-weeny bit obscure. Maybe I will start with the the whole "Image Processing" stuff. Or maybe, the portable music player. Or maybe, The Project. Don't know...

But I guess it will be foolish not to make use of this Energy that I feel inside of me, now. Lets hope the lethargy is well and truly out, and RD is Back! Back With A Bang!

P.S. Going through the blogs of Meebo, helps... ;)

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